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our mission

The "Service du Sang" is a division of the Belgian Red Cross licensed by the Ministry of Public Health as a ”Blood Transfusion Establishment”.
In this respect, we recruit donors and organise the collection, preparation and distribution of blood derivatives that are indispensable to treat a large number of patients.

Our mission is to...

Meet the needs

Supply hospitals with the requested blood products


Ensuring the quality of the blood derivatives


Ensuring the quality of the services we provide, delivered in a safe and welcoming environment.

Ensuring the protection of the health of donors and recipients

To do so, we operate at the cutting edge of the latest technologies (collection, separation and analysis machines).
All our activities are ISO 9001 certified. Our analysis laboratory is ISO 15189-accredited. Moreover, our operations are inspected on a regular basis by the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products. 
These checks, audits and inspections ensure optimum quality which is at the heart of everything we do. 

Compliance with quantitative requirements

In parallel with our unrelenting “quality” drive, we also do our bit to contribute to the quantitative requirements that apply: Belgium needs to be “self-sufficient” in the area of blood products, which means we need to have ‘enough’ donors to meet all requests from the hospitals.

Which means it is crucial that we recruit and secure the loyalty of blood donors. To do so, we are keeping up and branching out our efforts among the general public.