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Become a blood donor

Give the gift of life, give blood

The "Service du Sang" of the Belgian Red Cross is a key player in the field of blood transfusion in Belgium. Each year, we supply over 500,000 blood bags needed for the well-being and the survival of numerous patients. Which means we need you on a day-to-day basis!

Find a collection point near you


Blood group barometer

Move your cursor across the blood drops to find out the status of the various blood group stocks.
The status of the stocks is updated each week.

Wow! Our reserves for this group are doing very well! Life for Life - thank you for your generosity! Did you know we also need your blood group for plasma and platelet donations?

Wow! Our reserves for this group are doing very well! Life for Life - thank you for your generosity! Did you know we also need your blood group for plasma and platelet donations?

Wow! Our reserves for this group are doing very well! Life for Life - thank you for your generosity! Did you know we also need your blood group for plasma and platelet donations?

Wow! Our reserves for this group are doing very well! Life for Life - thank you for your generosity! Did you know we also need your blood group for plasma and platelet donations?

Wow! Our reserves for this group are doing very well! Life for Life - thank you for your generosity! Did you know we also need your blood group for plasma and platelet donations?

Our blood stocks for this blood group are critical. The outlook is very poor … Without your help, we will no longer be able to meet the demand from hospitals. We are relying on your generosity to raise our blood stocks as quickly as possible!

Our blood stocks for this blood group are critical. The outlook is very poor … Without your help, we will no longer be able to meet the demand from hospitals. We are relying on your generosity to raise our blood stocks as quickly as possible!

Wow! Our reserves for this group are doing very well! Life for Life - thank you for your generosity! Did you know we also need your blood group for plasma and platelet donations?

Plasma barometer


There are still 781 possible appointment slots.

You want to help us and donate your plasma, make an appointment at a collection site near you.

More information at www.donneurdeplasma.be

Blood donations

Test: can I donate blood?

Want to find out if you can donate blood before going to the collection?

Do the test

How does a blood donation work?

You are happy to donate blood, but you are wondering exactly what happens?

Donation steps

Time between 2 donations

The length of time between two donations varies, depending on the type of donation you would like to make.

More details

Why give blood?

3 lives

Because in 30 minutes, you can save 3 lives!

500,000 bags

Because in Belgium, we need just under 500,000 bags per year to meet the need.

1 person in every 7

Because less than 1 person in 10 donates blood, whereas 1 in 7 will need blood someday.


Because we do not have anything that can replace blood.

We may all need blood one day!

Sign up my company/organisation

Would you like to mobilise your company, organisation or school by organising a blood collection? Get in touch with us and we will guide through this wonderful initiative!

More information

Activities of the Red Cross

Each day, the work we do on the ground helps to improve the living conditions of some of the most vulnerable people, both in acute emergency situations and on a preventive basis. In the French Community, the work at grass root level is performed through the Maisons Croix-Rouge.

Activities of the Red Cross