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Sign up my company

Each year, close to 300 companies, organisations and schools organise blood collections at their premises in Wallonia and Brussels. Fancy getting on board of this marvellous venture?

Why sign up your company?

For several good reasons!
First of all, because you making it possible for all of your employees to make a very important charitable gesture. 
Next, because to any company, organising a blood collection constitutes significant added value in terms of public, citizenship and solidarity. This action is certain to boost your people-friendly image both to the outside world and to your own employees.
So join us on our “blood donation” venture as nearly 300 companies, organisations and schools in Wallonia and Brussels have already done before you.

How to sign up your company?

To sign up your company, simply complete the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible to look into the feasibility of this great project together.

As to the organisation of the actual collection, other than making available a few rooms, we take care of everything, so there is nothing for you to arrange or plan!

Informations pratiques
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